Underground watch

Welcome to Underground Watch, our quarterly magazine dedicated to supporting cybersecurity professionals with the latest industry news and insights. In every edition we take a deep dive into the biggest attack news stories and deliver expert insights to support your role as cybersecurity defenders.


A close-up of a person's face is depicted, focusing on their eye, which appears to be augmented with advanced technology. The scene is bathed in blue and orange hues, with numerous digital elements, holographic displays, and data streams surrounding the eye. The overall aesthetic is futuristic and cybernetic, suggesting a deep integration of human and technology.

July 2024

In this edition

Discover more about the latest vulnerabilities and threats, including CVE-2024-24919. We also shine a spotlight on supply chain threats and provide advice for proactively defending your organization from a third-party attack.

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Underground Watch Hero

April 2024

In this edition

Dive into threat actor trends collected from the cybercriminal underground over a 12 month period, learn more about the Rhysida and VF Corp attacks and hone your threat hunting skills with our latest webinar led by one of our CTI experts.

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Proactive-Security Thumbnail

February 2024

In this edition

We discuss the latest threats that have hit the headlines this month, release our annual threat actor trend report and give you insight into a day in the life of a hacker.

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