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Features • Report Builder

Streamline Cyber Threat Intelligence Reporting

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The Cybersixgill Report Builder solves the challenge of time-consuming CTI reporting, enabling teams to quickly generate, edit, and duplicate documents. With a single click of a button, add and combine different components and content from the Investigative Portal into a shareable report.


Quickly create custom reports for internal stakeholders and clients to communicate risk

Ease the burden of CTI reporting

The Report Builder enables threat and SOC analysts to share detailed reports of findings, insights or recommendations to stakeholders, and gives MSSPs an easy way to share ROI and risk data with customers.

Collect intelligence components from the Investigative Portal and organize them in a report template without requiring manual input.

Efficiently communicate investigation findings, insights, and recommendations

Export your final report to a fully editable word file to add further information, branding and formatting details before sharing with a wider audience

Enable a broader understanding of an organization’s risk posture for multiple internal and external stakeholders

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Types of reports achievable with Report Builder

Incident response reports

Add relevant components such as indicators of compromise and affected systems into a live incident report or summarize lessons learned post-incident.

Client-facing MSSP originated reports

Cybersecurity consultancy firms and MSSPs can create comprehensive reports for clients, showcasing strategic insights, threat trends, and tailored recommendations.

Risk and compliance reports

Create well-structured reports demonstrating adherence to regulations and industry standards or a document that assesses your cybersecurity risks, their potential impact, and mitigation strategies.

Executive-level communications

Quickly generate executive-level summaries of investigation outcomes, providing senior management with high-level insights and strategic recommendations.

Threat intelligence briefings

Threat intelligence analysts can compile reports that present key threat trends, emerging threats, and their potential impact on the organization.

Third-party risk reports

Compile reports highlighting potential cybersecurity risks associated with third-party vendors, supporting informed decision-making.

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Cybersixgill IQ is embedded throughout our product portfolio


Attack Surface Management

Combining ASM with our CTI capabilities, continually discover, map, scope and classify unknown network assets that could expose your organization to risk.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

Gain secure, covert access to our complete body of threat intelligence from the clear, deep and dark web extracted and processed at machine speed.

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DVE Intelligence

Streamline vulnerability analysis, prioritization and remediation with an end-to-end solution that’s proven to identify high-risk vulnerabilities before the NVD.

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Our Data, Your Way

Cyber Threat Intelligence is available within our SaaS Portal that supports both single or multi-tenancy users, via API or integration into your existing technology.

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Get started with Cyber Threat Intelligence