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Features • Cyber Threat Intelligence

Unrestricted Access To Our Complete Body Of Threat Intelligence

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Covert, safe access to the deep and dark web

Uncover threat actor activity in any language, format and platform with real-time access to the largest database of deep, dark and clear web activity on the market.

Analyst looking at dark web data

Telegram posts collected daily


Compromised credentials collected daily


Posts collected on X (formerly Twitter)


CVEs continuously analyzed in real-time

Key product features

The most extensive base of sources

Our data sources include limited-access forums, illicit underground markets, code repositories, paste sites, clear web sources, social media platforms and historical data extending to the 1990s.

Comprehensive threat actor profiles

We collect and monitor over 95 million threat actor profiles, detailing their languages, history, arenas of activity, TTPs, interests, peer networks and interactions.

Supports any language or data format

Our unique NLP & OCR algorithms process data in all languages and formats, with autonomous translation and image-to-text content extraction.

OSINT data

Access a broad range of reports, research and news from clear-web sources including cyber new sites and blogs, global news sites, national CERTS, ISACs and more.

Cybersixgill IQ

Use our powerful generative AI capability to simplify complex threat data, instantly generate finished reports and comparison tables or provide 24/7 assistance to make threat data easier to understand for every level of experience.

Streamline the investigation of multiple entities

Efficiently analyze, investigate and correlate diverse threat intelligence entities. Consolidate information about APTs, IoCs, malware and more in one place to eliminate the need for manual cross-referencing.

Access currently for sale

Streamline visibility of your organization's exposure to underground compromised access markets, also known as Initial Access Broker (IAB) markets. Cybersixgill collects your compromised account and credential data moments after it first surfaces on the cybercriminal underground, classifying the results and delivering them in real-time via an easy-to-use dashboard.

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NEW Report Builder

Discover how to quickly create, edit and share detailed threat reports


Accessing our Cyber Threat Intelligence in the Investigative Portal

Discover typosquatting activity and protect your brand

Effortlessly translate posts from any language

Cybersixgill IQ - Entity Descriptions

How our threat intelligence compares

Cybersixgill Other vendors

Fully automated threat intelligence collection, extraction and indexing, minutes after it has surfaced


Gains and maintains access to invite-only forums, messaging groups and closed marketplaces


Ability to scrape data sources with complex CAPCHA and posts that have been deleted

Image/OCR extraction

Translates any language


Generates detailed profiles on threat actors & groups, including aliases, hours of activity, peer networks, posts and areas of interest


Provides unrestricted access to our complete body of threat intelligence


Generative AI capability embedded throughout all solutions, sourcing intel in real-time from the deep and dark web, providing human-readable, contextual summaries, finished reporting and a personalized AI assistant.


Our Data, Your Way

Cyber Threat Intelligence is available within our SaaS Portal that supports both single or multi-tenancy users, via API or integration into your existing technology.

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