Cyber Threat Intelligence as-a-Service
Cybersixgill and Nisos have joined forces to help businesses effectively utilize Cybersixgill's cutting-edge cyber threat intelligence (CTI) through Nisos' Managed Intelligence™ Monitoring service. This service empowers businesses, especially those with restricted in-house threat analysis capabilities, to proactively enhance their cybersecurity stance with expert assistance and resources.
Enhance your security posture with threat-intelligence-as-a-service
Comprehensive Threat Intelligence Data
Using Cybersixgill's data lake, the broadest available using sources from the deep, dark, and clear web, Nisos can provide you with information and context about the latest risks and threats that could impact your business.
Expert Analysis
Nisos' analyst team has the knowledge and experience to help your company understand what the threat data means for their business and provide specific recommendations regarding what actions they need to take to mitigate urgent risks.
Customized Threat Intelligence
This service provides tailored solutions to your company’s needs. Nisos will work with you to understand your unique business, risk profile, and security goals, and provide customized consultation and services.
Simplified Operations
Let us operationalize threat intelligence data relevant to your business so you can focus on your core business. CTI-as-a-service can help you better understand and execute on your custom security strategy.