September 1, 2023by Michael-Angelo Zummo

Dark Reading Speaks with Michael-Angelo Zummo about the Promises and Concerns with AI

AI is on everyone’s minds. With the technology unfolding at such a rapid pace, many people have questions and concerns, and are still trying to understand AI’s benefits to cybersecurity and threat intelligence. Zummo, our own dark web and CTI expert, breaks it down in a recent interview with Dark Reading.

Michael-Angelo Zummo (“Zummo”), Cybersixgill’s North America Threat Intelligence Manager, recently sat down with Dark Reading’s Terry Sweeney at Black Hat to discuss AI and cybersecurity. Zummo explained that with all the excitement around AI, many individuals are concerned about “ AI hallucinations,” or the technology’s potential to make up answers and provide false information – which is a particular issue with generative AI. At the same time, he explained, AI offers tremendous benefits in being able to streamline much of the work that threat analysts do in tracking and understanding threats and creating reports.

Cybercriminals have access to the same efficiencies that AI provides, which means they can use it to research targets, find vulnerabilities, and operate more effectively. As a result, Zummo says that AI solution vendors have a responsibility to put safeguards in place to make it more challenging for threat actors to use their tools for malicious purposes. Additionally, cyber defenders should look to AI to help them understand what threat actors are doing.

He explains that security professionals are primarily using AI to help them plan and prioritize their CTI requirements and threat hunting activities, and better understand different threats. He also explains how Cybersixgill IQ, the company’s new generative AI solution, is unique from other solutions in the breadth of data it accesses and provides, and the important benefits it offers to end users at all security-maturity levels. 

Watch the video to learn more about how generative AI can strengthen your threat intelligence program, and help you better understand what threats matter most to your organization and how to remediate them.

Watch the interview

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