October 27, 2020by Cybersixgill

Cybersixgill and Optiv Partner up for More Efficient Cybersecurity

Let’s face it: We don’t live in a perfect world – the kind of world where companies, governmental agencies and other organizations never have to worry about cyberthreats. In the real world, companies with inadequate cybersecurity are at risk – and the more comprehensive, simple, prompt and time-efficient that security is, the better.

That’s why today we’re happy to announce our partnership with Optiv, an end-to-end provider of cybersecurity services in both the public and private sectors. This partnership will enable Optiv to provide Cybersixgill’s unmatched cyberthreat intelligence solutions in order to more comprehensively meet their clients’ cybersecurity needs.

Optiv’s clients will now be able to integrate  Cybersixgill’s Investigative Portal as well as Darkfeed, Cybersixgill’s data stream of malicious indicators of compromise (IOCs), into their existing cybersecurity platforms. On the investigative side, this will help them stay safe using our portal’s extensive capabilities for researching potential threats and threat actors on the dark web. At the same time, our new partnership also makes it simpler for Optiv’s clients to leverage the automatic, real-time threat alerts provided by Darkfeed. This way, they can streamline the process of handling potential threats by utilizing Optiv’s powerful platform and integrated security solutions.

The big picture? Now Optiv’s clients can easily tap into Cybersixgill’s automated, discreet, dark web-based approach to cyberthreat intel. Because many types of threats are typically visible on the dark web (if you know where to look) before they can be detected by conventional cyberthreat intelligence solutions, Cybersixgill’s approach to threat intel stands out for its ability to offer clients advance notice of online dangers on the horizon.

This way, these enterprises, governmental agencies, and organizations can act on the intelligence they receive earlier – often enabling them to prevent a cyberattack before it even begins.

Click here to learn more about how to become a Cybersixgill partner.

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