September 30, 2020by Dov Lerner

Introducing DarkWebster: Dark Web Slang for Noobs and Others

Have you ever shown up to a place where everyone was using so many weird terms and jargon that you had no idea what was going on? So much so, that you felt out of place? That you didn’t even belong, and that you didn’t dare open your mouth, lest you embarrass yourself?

It’s happened to me many times.

In the fast-moving field of <a href=">dark web intelligence, it is critical to keep up with the latest slang. Without understanding key vocabulary, it can be impossible to understand who on the dark web is a threat actor, what messages they mean to convey, and how serious of a threat they pose.

But keeping track of these terms can be difficult and time-consuming, simply because of how quickly they change. In fact, the world of cyberthreats is so dynamic that in many cases a new word is coined because the concept it refers to is itself new (and often, highly illegal).

At the same time, the development of new slang on the dark web is driven by a sort of gamesmanship. Sometimes within underground forums, it seems like everybody wants to be an expert and everybody wants to prove it. Using the latest, trendiest slang can go a long way toward showing that an individual is really in the know – as long as that individual uses the right word in the right way. And with so many people wanting to show that they’re down with the latest vocabulary, it’s safe to assume that vocab is going to keep evolving quickly.

That’s why today we’re excited to announce a new way to get up to speed with the latest dark web terminology: DarkWebster.

Starting today, every week we’re going to use social media to teach our audience a key word that anyone interested in cybersecurity, cyberthreat intel, and the dark web should know. Each Wednesday, we’ll post the weekly word on our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube channels, along with a brief explanation of its meaning and why it matters.

But, before we get to our first DarkWebster term, there’s another reason we at Cybersixgill are so focused on making sure our audience is on the ball with the latest dark web vocabulary: our investigative portal.

To gain critical insights into cyberthreats, you can search the portal for a wide variety of posts from underground forums. Additionally, you can set the portal to automatically alert you when posts meeting certain criteria (of your choice) are discovered.

The portal gives you access to a huge trove of automatically (and discreetly) gathered information to help you protect your organization or investigate a cyberthreat, and it’s easy to find the details you want by using keywords. By making sure to look for the right terms, you can keep your searches precise and comprehensive – even if you’re still learning the ropes.

That brings us to our first DarkWebster term: noob.

Short for newbie, a noob is simply a beginner, especially with regard to some aspect of computer technology – someone just starting to do something, such as frequenting the dark web’s underground forums. Of course, whether we’re novices or experts today, at one point each of us was a noob.

If you still consider yourself a noob when it comes to cybersecurity and the dark web, then #DarkWebster can help you get up to speed on the slang you need to know in order to follow the latest trends. And if your dark web background runs a little (or a lot) deeper, this new initiative offers you a chance to test your vocab knowledge, refresh your memory, and fill in any gaps.

Either way, starting today, Wednesday is the day to check out the latest from #DarkWebster! You can find it on our pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

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