May 24, 2022by Chris Strand

CTI: A Useful Ally for the Financial Services Industry

Since 2013, more than 14 billion global data records have been lost. In 2021 alone, more than 40.4 billion global records were exposed by cyber adversaries. As the scope and value of individuals’ personal financial data available online grows every day, it becomes a more enticing target.

Simultaneously, a flood of new data protection laws and regulations is being introduced, evolving, and updated by a variety of different jurisdictions, at a dizzying pace.  The usual suspects are updated and refined, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, the California Consumer Protection Act, alongside multiple national regulations in countries like Canada and Australia.

For global companies in the financial services sector, these factors make it increasingly difficult to stay on top of compliance requirements, maintain a strong security posture, and minimize risk.

Today, I will be giving a presentation about these issues at the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) members-only webinar on May 24, and will discuss how cyber threat intelligence (CTI) can help financial companies remain in compliance while exploring up-to-date cyber threat protection.

One lingering issue in the financial sector is the constant  presence of aging and unsupported operating systems and software. As far back as 2019 one of the leading causes of data breaches in modern payment systems was and still appears to be the failure to meet PCI Data Security Standard requirement to properly prioritize and address system gaps and vulnerabilities.

On top of the prevalence of antiquated software, the financial services sector (like most industries) also faces a lack of resources – both human and technological – to conduct external threat monitoring across systems, and perform appropriate incident response.

In my talk, I will address how automated and continuous CTI can help organizations find, respond to, and remediate cyberattacks before significant damage is done, while accelerating compliance and risk posture.

I will also talk about how CTI can assist your organization in:

Extending its visibility – find and uncover all approaching external threats to your data.

Reducing its liability – by identifying threats that directly impact your organization.

Addressing its resources – by using automated response and remediation.

Cybersixgill’s threat intelligence offers the most comprehensive view of threats and intentions by adversaries harvested from all underground sources: the Clear Web (such as Twitter and Reddit), the Deep Web (password-protected sites such as banks), the Dark Web (access-protected hacker forums and markets) and social messaging systems (like Telegram and Discord).

Cybersixgill recently joined the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) as a participating organization, and is the only active CTI company to  contribute to the PCI data security standards. Additionally, our deep, dark, and clear web threat intelligence enables organizations to quickly prioritize their cyber-posture with the new PCI Data Security Standard 4.0.

Register to attend my session and learn how Cybersixgill’s unique CTI can be leveraged by financial services organizations that want to understand and predict future risks, and identify system-related attacks before they are carried out.

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