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Threat monitoring

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Threat monitoring on the dark web 

As the cyber threat landscape evolves with accelerating speed, more and more security teams are turning to threat monitoring technology to help protect their organizations. By identifying threats earlier, monitoring and detection solutions enable security teams to respond to incidents faster, limiting the damage and disruption to their organizations left in the wake of cyberattacks.

However, traditional threat monitoring solutions often fail to deliver on expectations for two significant reasons. Many of these technologies simply add more noise to the cacophony of constant security alerts, while failing to help teams effectively identify and prioritize the most dangerous threats. Most threat monitoring platforms aren’t looking for threats where they originate - the illicit forums and marketplaces of the deep & dark web’s cybercriminal underground, where threat actors go to buy, sell and share stolen data as well as the tactics and tools of their trade.

To help security teams discover what attackers are planning before they strike, Cybersixgill offers a threat intelligence and threat monitoring solution that captures, processes and alerts teams to emerging threats as they surface on the clear, deep and dark web.

How dark web threat monitoring works

The business of cybercrime thrives in the deep and dark web. This is the epicenter of cybercriminal activity, where threat actors convene to communicate and collaborate with their malicious peers. It’s where they buy and sell tools for cyberattacks along with compromised data stolen from past victims     . 

Because the dark web is the primary platform for cybercriminal communication, it’s also the best place for threat monitoring activity. By covertly monitoring dark web forums, illicit underground markets, code repositories, paste sites and invitation-only messaging groups, security teams can access invaluable intelligence to help them predict, identify and protect their organizations against cyber threats. Analysts can learn about the latest tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) attackers are using and monitor the buying and selling of tools used in cyberattacks - capturing the first indication of risk before it is weaponized.

Through dark web threat monitoring, security teams can often uncover critical intelligence to address several use cases.

  • Vulnerabilities. The dark web is where cybercriminals will often discuss software vulnerabilities, sharing or selling proof of concept or exploit kits that can be used to exploit these weaknesses in      cyberattacks.

  • Stolen data. Stolen data – such as Social Security numbers and credit card numbers – is often offered for sale on dark web forms.

  • Exposed credentials. Cybercriminals go to the dark web to buy credentials exposed in data breaches, credential stuffing tools and access to corporate networks, intending to use these stolen credentials for subsequent malicious campaigns.

Monitoring these transactions and emergingthreats on the dark web can help security teams stay ahead of potential attacks. With a better read on which vulnerabilities are trending on the dark web, security teams can effectively prioritize remediation efforts. By tracking the latest developments in malware detection, security analysts can identify malware hashes to be blocked with firewalls, incident playbooks or vulnerability management platforms – before threat actors have even downloaded the code.

Dark web threat monitoring with Cybersixgill 

Cybersixgill’s threat monitoring solutions help security professionals expose risk earlier, uncovering what attackers are planning before they strike. With unmatched capabilities in threat intelligence collection, we monitor 700+ deep and dark web sources, covertly extracting data from the places where threat actors are most likely to reveal their intentions and techniques.

Our threat monitoring capabilities provide security teams with:

  • Relevant data. By curating incoming alerts to your specific organizational assets, Cybersixgill enables security analysts to work more efficiently and stay focused on the highest priority intelligence, and the threats that truly matter to their organization.

  • Automated intelligence. We use advanced AI and ML algorithms to index, correlate, analyze, tag and filter raw data, enriching each bit of intelligence with context that delivers deeper insight into the nature, source and urgency of each threat, as well as actionable recommendations           for remediation.

  • In-depth profiles. Security teams can access more than 7 million threat actor profiles that detail each actor’s MO, history, aliases, arenas of activity, connections and relationships to other threat actors.

  • Real-time insight. Our threat monitoring solutions catch events as they unfold, before attacks are deployed or leaked credentials are put up for sale.

  • Flexible delivery. Our threat intelligence can be consumed both through standalone solutions and seamless integrations into existing security stacks via 40 API endpoints that serve various use cases.

Cybersixgill’s Range of Solutions      

Customers can benefit from Cybersixgill’s deep and dark web threat monitoring in several ways.

Investigative Portal

The Cybersixgill Investigative Portal empowers teams to find the insights they need to proactively protect critical assets, prevent fraud and breaches, manage brand protection, minimize the attack surface and conduct investigations in real time. Security teams can search and deep-dive into unmatched levels of context-rich intelligence data, prioritizing and responding to threats to reduce risk faster. An easy-to-use dashboard lets analysts see the big picture or drill down to investigate events and understand the behavior of threat actors.

API Integration

Cybersixgill’s vast collection of cyber threat intelligence data can also be consumed, via an application programming interface (API) that integrates directly into existing workflows and system architectures to address multiple use cases & functionalities. The API offering supports database queries and query-based notifications, actionable alerts tailored to your organizational assets, automated feed of malicious IOCs, detection of leaked user credentials, real-time feed of CVE-related events and developments, multi-tenant (MSSP) configurations and more. A new integration per customer request can be created within a week.

DVE Intelligence

Cybersixgill’s Dynamic Vulnerability Exploit (DVE) Intelligence analyzes chatter and activity on the deep, dark and clear web to determine which software vulnerabilities cybercriminals are most likely to exploit in the next 90 days. In contrast to the NVD’s CVSS score which assesses only the severity of vulnerabilities should they be exploited, DVE Intelligence delivers the earliest warning concerning the likelihood of a CVE being exploited. This data enables security teams to assess risk more accurately and to prioritize vulnerability remediation more efficiently.

Why Cybersixgill?

Cybersixgill is dedicated to protecting organizations from malicious activity that originates in the deep and dark web, pre-empting attacks before they actually materialize. With the broadest threat intelligence in the industry, we automate our data collection and apply source-infiltration capabilities that scrape data from sites which are inaccessible to other vendors.

Employing advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, we prioritize, enrich and contextualize data according to the unique assets and needs of our customers. This results in more relevant intelligence and less alert fatigue.

Cybersixgill’s threat intelligence is available as a standalone solution or through seamless integrations with existing security stacks. We ensure that our data works for each customer, correlating, curating and prioritizing items to trigger automated playbooks and workflows and to increase the efficiency and productivity of security teams.


What is threat monitoring?

Cyber threat monitoring is a solution that uses threat intelligence to continuously analyze, evaluate and monitor an organization's networks and endpoints for evidence of security threats. Threat monitoring is an essential part of security efforts for ransomware and malware prevention, phishing detection, brand monitoring, cyber security audits and more.

What is dark web monitoring?

Dark web monitoring is the continuous search and gathering of raw intelligence from the dark web. This data is then used to help businesses and organizations accurately assess risks and prepare for potential threats. The dark web is where cyber criminals can buy and sell data and tools to use in cyberattacks. As a result, security teams have increasingly turned to dark web monitoring tools to better understand emerging threats and to adopt a more proactive approach to security.

What is threat hunting?

Threat hunting is an aggressive approach to identifying and stopping cyber threats. Proactive threat hunting teams seek out previously unknown threats or undiscovered attacks by searching for suspicious behavior and malicious activity that could indicate evidence of a breach. Using threat intelligence and information on the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors, threat hunters can effectively expose risk earlier, preventing threats or minimizing the damage of cyberattacks.