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Threat intelligence platform

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The value of a threat intelligence platform

Organizations of all sizes are critically aware of the importance of cybersecurity. Spending on cybersecurity technology has exceeded $170 billion, yet organizations continue to face unprecedented challenges from a threat landscape that is constantly growing in size and sophistication. 

Superior threat and vulnerability intelligence can help security analysts and teams to stay ahead of the curve and gain an upper hand against a broad range of threats. Choosing the right threat intelligence platform is critical, as many solutions simply add more noise to the security space. Unless a threat intelligence vendor can deliver timely, relevant and actionable data, it is likely to create more confusion and work for security analysts.

Cybersixgill's threat intelligence platform reduces the amount of incoming information, curating alerts and supporting advanced investigative and filtering capabilities to accelerate time to value, delivering real-time, high-fidelity data that is relevant to your specific organizational assets and ecosystem. With data collected from 700+ sources in the clear, deep and dark web, we deliver more comprehensive intelligence than any other vendor to help security teams stop emerging threats before they have a chance to materialize.

Criteria for choosing a threat intelligence platform

When considering your next threat intelligence vendor, you must choose a solution that does more than simply deliver indicators of compromise (IOCs) like malware hashes, known phishing sites and rogue IP addresses. Ideally, an intelligence platform should help the organization answer several critical questions:

  • Who is attacking us and why?

  • Where are attacks coming from?

  • Where are we most vulnerable?

  • Are attacks being directed at partners in an effort to reach and infiltrate our assets?

  • What new techniques might attackers be using?

  • What’s the best way to anticipate attacks and protect our organization from breaches?

A superior threat intelligence solution should enable organizations to shift from a reactive stance – where security teams play “whack-a-mole” with an unending stream of threats like account takeovers, data leaks, fraud campaigns and malware attacks – to a proactive approach focused on risk prevention and reducing threat exposure before attackers strike. 

Ultimately, the right threat intelligence platform can help organizations reach the highest level of cybersecurity maturity, where threat intelligence and threat hunting enable teams to identify and block threats earlier while monitoring supply chains to stop attacks that originate with vendors and partners.

The Cybersixgill threat intelligence platform 

Cybersixgill’s fully automated threat intelligence and threat hunting platform helps organizations of all sizes to fight cybercrime and improve incident response in real time. We offer the broadest threat intelligence collection capabilities in the industry, covertly extracting data from a wide range of sources on the clear, deep and dark web. To provide intelligence that helps security teams stop threats faster, we covertly extract data from dark web sources that include limited-access web forums and markets, invite-only messaging groups, paste sites, code repositories and clear web platforms.

Our solutions surpass competitors’ offerings by providing technology that is:

  • 100% automated. Our fully automated collection and correlation technology uses AI and ML algorithms to extract, process and index tens of millions of intelligence items each day. 

  • Contextualized. To help prioritize the mitigation process, we provide contextual insight into the nature, source and urgency of each threat, as well as actionable recommendations for remediation. 

  • Searchable. Security analysts gain unrestricted access to our complete body of collected intel in a simple, user-friendly interface with advanced, Google-like search and filtering functionalities to accelerate time to intel.

  • Fast. Cybersixgill technology catches events as they happen, delivering the earliest possible indication of risk before attacks are deployed.

  • Modern. Our vast data collection capabilities are light years ahead of the threat curve, making it possible to converge and consolidate underground threat intelligence in order to power and modernize security tools, platforms, processes and people.

  • Covert. Cybersixgill is the only platform that is fully covert, keeping your teams and assets fully anonymous.

  • Language agnostic. A powerful translation engine enables security teams to speak the language of the underground, with an automated translation toggle supporting all languages.

Elements of the Cybersixgill platform 

Cybersixgill provides organizations and security teams with the broadest threat intelligence collection available, enabling security teams to discover what attackers are planning before they strike.

Investigative Portal

Our Investigative Portal provides real-time context and actionable alerts along with the ability to conduct covert investigations into the largest database of deep, dark and clear web threat activity. With this Cybersixgill solution, security analysts can understand how each piece of intelligence relates to tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of specific threat actors. Analysts can quickly fill in the blanks to create an entire threat picture, or deep dive into any escalation in real time and understand the context. With more than 7 million threat actor profiles, Cybersixgill helps analysts understand the motives, history, aliases and arenas of activity of the individuals who are orchestrating attacks.

API Integration

Cybersixgill’s vast collection of cyber threat intelligence data can also be consumed, via an application programming interface (API) that integrates directly into existing workflows and system architectures to address multiple use cases & functionalities. The API offering supports database queries and query-based notifications, actionable alerts tailored to your organizational assets, automated feed of malicious IOCs, detection of leaked user credentials, real-time feed of CVE-related events and developments, multi-tenant (MSSP) configurations and more. A new integration per customer request can be created within a week.

Why choose Cybersixgill?

The Cybersixgill platform represents a quantum leap in threat intelligence solutions. Our technology enables us to extract data 24 times faster than our competitors and to access 5 times more sources, including 10 times more sources from the dark web. Our fully automated crawlers infiltrate and monitor limited-access sources that are inaccessible to other vendors. AI and machine learning algorithms transform raw data into actionable intelligence within minutes. Our solutions seamlessly integrate with existing technology stacks to serve the unique needs, assets and workflows of our customers. With Cybersixgill, security teams can discover what attackers are planning before they strike, protecting their organizations from a broad range of cybercrime.


What is threat intelligence?

Threat intelligence is knowledge that helps security teams to identify, prepare for and prevent cyberattacks. Threat intelligence is developed by collecting, analyzing and interpreting data about existing or emerging threats that may target an organization. Security teams rely on threat intelligence to make more informed decisions about security programs and controls, enabling their organizations to adopt a proactive rather than reactive approach to combating cybercrime.

What is a threat intelligence platform?

A threat intelligence platform is a technology solution that gives a user access to information about threats from a variety of sources. A superior threat intelligence platform will automate the collection, processing, contextualization and analysis of data, freeing security professionals to spend more time using intelligence to refine security programs, protocols and controls. Threat intelligence platforms can help teams with a broad range of security tasks, including malware prevention, supply chain and brand monitoring, phishing detection, cyber security audits and more.