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Cyber threat intelligence feed

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The problem with cyber threat intelligence feeds

There is little disagreement today that cyber threat intelligence feeds are a critical tool in helping organizations improve their security posture. By providing a steady stream of data related to potential or current threats, cyber threat intelligence should help security teams prioritize efforts, implement granular policies and get a better read on the rapidly evolving threat landscape.

In practice, however, cyber threat intelligence feeds can often create more confusion for overstretched security teams dealing with limited technologies, budgets and time. Rather than helping to focus resources on the most dangerous and urgent threats, they can be yet another source of noise, contributing to alert fatigue.

Cyber threat intelligence feeds - what to look for

When choosing threat intelligence feeds, there are several important capabilities that enable security teams and analysts to effectively act on the intelligence they receive.

  • Automation. The cyber threat landscape is simply evolving too quickly for security teams to continue to rely on vendors who use manual threat intelligence collection processes. Modern threat intelligence programs should be supported by data collection methods and integration processes that are automated. With an automated solution, security teams can focus on the most relevant threats to their organization and industry without the traditional overhead burdens.

  • Scope. In addition to basic indicators of compromise (IOCs), feeds should incorporate data from a broad range of sources, including social media monitoring and chatter on the deep and dark web. This information can help threat analysts better understand who is attacking the organization, what types of tools attackers are deploying and how they typically operate.

  • Integration. Cyber threat intelligence feeds should be seamlessly integrated into security ecosystems, including firewalls, network proxies, endpoint security, SIEM and SOAR systems. This enables threat intelligence to truly optimize the efficiency of existing security stacks and provide a more effective foundation for risk management and threat prevention.

  • Democratization. Rather than a siloed approach to cyber threat intelligence feeds, threat intelligence programs should be structured as a process that drives and supports the security requirements of analysts and teams throughout the organization. A common portal enables security professionals to query and analyze raw data from shared sources, increasing the cohesion and effectiveness of their security programs.

Cybersixgill’s dark web cyber threat intelligence feed

Cybersixgill is dedicated to helping security professionals identify and expose the earliest indications of risk. Offering the broadest threat intelligence collection capabilities available, we covertly extract data from a wide range of sources on the clear, deep and dark web. 

Our cyber threat intelligence feed, provides a stream of indicators of compromise – including malicious domains, IP addresses, URLs and file hashes – that includes content from deep and dark web sources. These include limited-access web forums and markets, code repositories, invite-only messaging groups, paste sites, and clear web platforms.

What makes Cybersixgill's threat intelligence feed unique?

  • Full automation. We use advanced AI and ML algorithms to index, correlate, analyze, tag and filter raw data.

  • Context. Each piece of intelligence is enriched with context to deliver essential information about the nature, source and evolution of each threat.

  • Volume. Our advanced collection mechanisms autonomously extract, process and index intelligence at scale, ingesting tens of millions of items per day.

  • Comprehensive. We have compiled more than 7 million profiles of threat actors, detailing each individual’s history, languages, aliases, areas of activity, peer networks and other connections.

  • Exclusivity. Our collection and source-infiltration capabilities enable us to scrape data that is inaccessible to other vendors, including high-value sources with complex CAPTCHA and posts that may have been deleted.

Benefits for cybersecurity analysts and teams

When you choose Cybersixgill as your threat intelligence vendor, you can:

  • Automatically integrate high-fidelity IOC data into your security stack, with machine-to-machine communications to enable proactive defense.

  • Operationalize our cyber threat intelligence feed to build orchestration automations to block emerging IOC-based threats before they are deployed in attack.

  • Eliminate alert fatigue with intelligence that is automated, prioritized, enriched and scored according to your unique assets and attack surface.

  • Enhance SOAR, SIEM and vulnerability management systems by seamlessly integrating contextual data from Cybersixgill’s feed.

  • Automatically receive earlier warnings of new malware threats – as they first surface.

  • Gain actionable insight that leads to granular security policies which can mitigate threats more effectively.

  • Empower threat hunting teams with better intelligence as they hunt for malicious IOCs and corporate networks.

  • Improve analysis of malware threats, including their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs).

  • Integrate a cyber threat intelligence feed into other systems in the security technology stack. 

  • Improve visibility of industry-specific threatscapes. 

The Cybersixgill difference

The Cybersixgill produces agile, automated and contextual intelligence to protect organizations against malicious cyberattacks – no matter where they come from and before they are weaponized in an attack.

We offer the most extensive, fully automated intelligence collection available from the deep and dark web. We collect data from 10x more dark web sources and 13x more instant messaging apps than our competitors, extracting data 24x faster than other threat intelligence vendors. 

With Cybersixgill, security teams can:

  • Expose threat actor activity in any language, format or platform. Our fully automated crawlers infiltrate and maintain access to the broadest range of sources. 

  • Block threats before they can be weaponized in an attack. Using advanced AI and machine learning algorithms, we immediately prioritize, enrich and score data, swiftly publishing profiles and identifying behavioral patterns that let security teams apply timely, proactive solutions before new attack missions are launched.

  • Seamlessly integrate intelligence into current security technology according to the unique assets, needs and workflows of the organization. With 40 API endpoints and 24 integration partners, we support a broad range of use cases and can create new integrations within weeks as needed.


What is cyber threat intelligence?

Cyber threat intelligence is information about cyber threats that has been collected, aggregated, transformed, analyzed, interpreted and enriched with context to help cybersecurity teams make better decisions about the security programs and controls needed to protect their organization from attack.

What is a cyber threat intelligence feed?

A cyber threat intelligence feed is a continuous stream of machine-readable threat information, providing security teams with real-time data about emerging threats and trends. Threat intelligence feeds are usually automated and driven by AI-powered collection and analysis. Feeds can be incorporated into a broad array of security tools to help security teams fight cybercrime, improve ransomware detection, stop phishing attacks, prevent compromised credentials and prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation.

What is dark web monitoring?

Dark web monitoring is the practice of tracking the activity of threat actors on the dark web, searching for indications of risk that can help security teams protect their organizations more effectively. Because the dark web is where threat actors go to buy, sell and share information and tools for cyberattacks, dark web cyber security solutions can often alert security teams to emerging threats as well as IOCs and TTPs before other threat intelligence technology.