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Cyber crime prevention

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The key to cyber crime prevention

Attackers are constantly developing new tactics and techniques to evade detection, allowing them to penetrate security defenses for their own malicious ends, causing significant damage and disruption to their victims. As these threat actors become more determined and sophisticated, security teams require new and more powerful tools for cyber crime prevention. 

Dark web cyber security can play a powerful role in preventing cyber crime. By monitoring dark web forums, marketplaces and code repositories where threat actors convene to conspire and communicate, security teams can gain early warnings of emerging threats and indicators of compromise (IOCs) before they are weaponized, helping them proactively defend their organizations from attack.      

Cybersixgill offers the most extensive, fully automated collection of cyber threat intelligence from the clear, deep and dark web. We collect data from 10x more dark web sources and 13x more instant messaging apps than our competitors, extracting data 24x faster than other threat intelligence vendors to provide security teams with timelier, more comprehensive intelligence for superior cyber crime prevention.

Cyber crime prevention with dark web monitoring

The dark web is the most valuable source for threat intelligence for one simple reason: it’s where threat actors do business. Because the dark web ensures anonymity, it’s the easiest place for cybercriminals to communicate with each other about tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) or to buy and sell data and tools they can use in cyber attacks. Many threat actors have financial motivations for their attacks, and selling goods, services and information via underground marketplaces is how they make their money. Threat actors also use the dark web to share information about the latest vulnerabilities discovered, potential companies they intend to target, and the best way to penetrate networks without being detected.

All of this activity makes the dark web an ideal location for gathering threat intelligence for cyber crime prevention. By tracking and extracting intelligence from a wide array of sources, dark web monitoring technology can provide early insights about many types of cyber crime, enabling faster incident response.

  • Vulnerabilities. Chatter and exploit kits on the dark web can reveal which software vulnerabilities attackers are most likely to target in the near future.

  • Compromised data and credentials. When credit card numbers and login credentials appear on the dark web, it can alert security teams to imminent data breaches and account takeover attempts, allowing them to implement the relevant security controls to block attacks before they are deployed.      

  • Adversarial threats. The code for new types of malware, ransomware and other adversarial threats will often appear on the dark web well before it is used in an attack.

  • Brand abuse. Dark web monitoring can alert organizations when their brands are being impersonated in email, fraudulent websites, or via rogue apps.

  • Data leaks. When leaked data such as Social Security numbers or intellectual property is sold on the dark web, automatic alerts enable security teams to take fast action to mitigate damage.

Cybersixgill’s threat intelligence solutions     

Cybersixgill’s fully automated threat intelligence technology helps organizations to improve cyber crime prevention. With the broadest threat intelligence collection capabilities in the industry, we covertly extract data from sources that include limited-access deep and dark web forums, illicit marketplaces, code repositories, invite-only messaging groups, paste sites and sources like blogs and social media on the clear web.

After our automated crawlers infiltrate and scrape data from the most comprehensive range of sources, each item is indexed, tagged, filtered and enriched with essential context that enables security analysts to make more informed decisions about security priorities and the most efficient allocation of resources.

Cybersixgill optimizes cyber crime prevention through a range of solution offerings and integrations, each addressing critical customer pain points and use cases:          

Investigative Portal. Offering unlimited access to our full body of best-in-market threat           intelligence data, Cybersixgill’s Investigative Portal empowers security teams with real-time insights into cybercriminal activity and discourse, the TTPs of specific threat actors and the first indications of malicious threats as they first surface on the underground. Through unparalleled context enrichment and advanced search and investigation capabilities, the Investigative Portal accelerates time to intel, allowing teams to better assess digital threats, reduce risk exposure and improve external attack surface management.

Machine-Readable Threat Intelligence API.  Cybersixgill’s Application Programming Interface (API) suite provides direct, programmatic access to our vast collection of threat intelligence data, integrating seamlessly into existing workflows and system architectures to improve cyber crime prevention. Cybersixgill’s API endpoints deliver machine-readable threat intelligence to support multiple data types, use cases and processes, providing actionable threat intelligence to optimize cybersecurity operations and workflows. Harness Cybersixgill’s API to drive intelligence-driven initiatives across various functions, democratizing access to threat intelligence across the organization to address multiple business demands and needs. Packaged according to use case, our API offering supports database queries and query-based notifications, actionable alerts tailored to your organizational assets, automated feed of malicious IOCs, detection of leaked user credentials, real-time feed of CVE-related events and developments, multi-tenant (MSSP) configurations and more. These API endpoints are consumable both through existing integrations with our industry partners or via specialized customizations within proprietary products.

DVE Intelligence. Cybersixgill Dynamic Vulnerability Exploit (DVE) Intelligence combines automation, advanced analytics and rich vulnerability exploit intelligence to dramatically reduce the risk and cost of vulnerability management. By leveraging contextual vulnerability intelligence collected from clear, deep and dark web sources, DVE Intelligence supports all phases of the CVE lifecycle from end-to-end, enhancing vulnerability prioritization with the most accurate risk-score predicting the probability of vulnerability exploitation over the next 90 days. This insight enables security teams to identify and prioritize those vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to their organization, dramatically accelerating time to remediation.

Benefits for cyber crime prevention 

Leveraging machine learning, natural language processing and big data, Cybersixgill has taken a quantum leap into the next stage of threat intelligence collection and cyber crime prevention. In contrast to solutions that rely heavily on manual processes, our threat collection and correlation technology is 100% automated to minimize human error, reduce false positives and increase analyst productivity.

Unified platform

Cybersixgill’s advanced solutions consolidate our vast collection of threat intelligence data from the clear, deep and dark web to provide holistic visibility into the organizational attack surface - addressing multiple use cases and optimizing the productivity of tools, platforms, people and processes across the organization with a single source of truth..

Contextual insights

Our threat intelligence is enriched with context that provides insight into the nature, source and urgency of each threat, and reveals how critical each threat or breach is to a customer’s specific assets and attack surface. This context enables security teams to better prioritize mitigation processes.

Covert collection

Covert intelligence collection is the key to successful dark web monitoring. Cybersixgill offers the only fully covert solutions, keeping security teams and organizational assets fully anonymous.

Real-time intelligence

Our threat intelligence collection technologies capture the very first indications of risk as they surface on the underground, before they are weaponized by threat actors in attacks. Our unmatched extraction speed and multi-layered data filtering ensures our intel is accurate, relevant and high-fidelity.      

Language-agnostic extraction

Cyber crime is borderless, with threat actors operating under the shadow of anonymity from all around the globe. Cybersixgill’s threat intelligence technology features a powerful translation engine that supports all the languages of the underground, to ensure you are aware of every threat -  be it in English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic or otherwise.

Why Cybersixgill?

Cybersixgill captures, processes and alerts security teams to emerging threats as well as TTPs and IOCs as they surface on the clear, deep and dark web. By providing earlier insights to what attackers are planning before they strike, Cybersixgill enables organizations to improve security posture and cyber crime prevention.

With Cybersixgill, security teams can:

  • Expose threats earlier, uncovering threat activity in any language, format or platform.

  • Preempt attacks, capturing and blocking threats as they emerge and before they can be weaponized in an attack.

  • Streamline intelligence, integrating threat intelligence into existing security stacks according to the unique assets, needs and workflows of each customer.

Cybersixgill customers currently include enterprises, financial services, governments, law enforcement entities and MSSPs.


What is cyber crime?

Cyber crime is illegal activity that targets a computer, a computer network, or an IT ecosystem. Common cyber crimes include ransomware attacks, theft of finances or data, email and Internet fraud, cyber extortion, cryptojacking and cyber espionage. Many cyber crimes involve the use of malware, vulnerability exploitation, and other types of cyber attacks.

What is the best form of cyber crime prevention?

One of the best ways to prevent cyber crime is by monitoring the dark web for information about imminent and emerging threats. Because the dark web is where cybercriminals buy and sell data, acquire tools, share information and discuss plans, it is a rich source of threat intelligence. By monitoring dark web activity, security teams can develop defenses for attacks before they happen.

What is dark web monitoring?

Dark web monitoring is the practice of tracking activity on sites on the dark web such as underground marketplaces, limited-access web forums, invite-only messaging groups, code repositories and paste sites. Because these sites promote anonymity, they are often the first place that cybercriminals go to do business.